Thermodynamics : The Art of Cigar Preservation
Ageing, Humidity, and the Science of Storage
Cigar aficionados know that the enjoyment of a cigar begins long before it is lit. The ageing and storage of cigars are as much an art as they are a science, with thermodynamics playing a crucial role in ensuring that each cigar maintains its intended flavor and burns evenly. Let's take a look into the fascinating world of cigar preservation, where relative humidity meets thermodynamics.
The Ageing Process: A Journey of Flavor Enhancement
Ageing cigars is a delicate process that can significantly enhance their flavor and smoking quality. After cigars are rolled, they undergo a period of rest, allowing the various tobaccos within them to marry and mellow. This period can vary from a few months to several years, depending on the cigar's blend and the desired outcome. As cigars age, they gradually shed impurities and unwanted flavors, while the tobaccos' oils slowly meld, creating a more harmonious and refined taste profile.
Relative Humidity: The Lifeline of Cigars
Relative humidity (RH) is the measure of moisture in the air relative to the temperature. For cigars, maintaining an RH level between 65-75% is crucial. This range ensures that cigars remain supple and retain their essential oils, which contribute to their flavor and aroma. Too low humidity can cause cigars to dry out, losing their complexity and burning too hot. Conversely, too high humidity can lead to mold growth and a tight draw, making the cigar difficult to smoke.
Of course the range of the humidity depends on your personal preference and the environment surrounding you, in Japan, it is common to find storage room at 72% humidity, our warehouse is actually at 78% and 21C a higher humidity level is required since it is a large room with people coming in an out regularly, everyday, too just of a RH and the room would dry off too fast, the fluctuations would impact the cigars.
Thermodynamics: The Invisible Guardian
Thermodynamics, the study of heat, work, and energy, is a key player in cigar storage. Temperature changes can affect the RH level inside a storage container, as warmer air can hold more moisture than cooler air. This is why consistent temperature control is vital; fluctuations can cause cigars to expand and contract, potentially cracking the wrappers and ruining the smoking experience, or worse, causing the oils to evaporate, leaving you with only an expensive bunch of dry leaves.
Why a Cooler Box?
Since we saw, that temperature is linked to relative humidity, controlling your environment is capital, that is why we always recommend to use a cooler box, often used as a cost-effective alternative to traditional humidors, can provide an excellent environment for storing cigars. Its insulation helps maintain a stable temperature and RH level, protecting cigars from the adverse effects of temperature fluctuations. By adding a hygrometer and a humidification device, a cooler box can become an ideal habitat for ageing cigars, ensuring they develop their flavors as intended.
Conclusion: Embracing the Science for Optimal Enjoyment
Understanding the ageing process, the importance of relative humidity, and the principles of thermodynamics can transform the way you store your cigars. By choosing a cooler box as your storage solution, you're not only opting for a cost-effective method but also ensuring that your cigars are protected and their quality preserved. I hope that this article helped you understand a little better how to properly store your cigars to enjoy them to the fullest.
Happy smoking!